
Today I was out in the sun for a few hours. I met a few friends later in the morning and we jumped in a car and headed to a beach nearby. The original plan was to go surfing, but when we got to the beach we found that there were hardly any waves to… Continue reading Sunlight

Driving Pt. 2

There’s something I love about the power of machines. I love driving cars, operating machinery, and I even have almost a hundred hours logged flying small planes. Machines and vehicles are like cheat codes that let us do things faster and better then we could do on our own. Without an airplane most human flight… Continue reading Driving Pt. 2


I have always loved driving. I grew up driving a lawn mower around in the summer, and got my licence as soon as I was old enough. I bought a car when I was sixteen and drove all over the country roads and into the nearby city, hanging out with friends at the beach or… Continue reading Driving


Accents. Why do we have them? What good are they and are they worth protecting? I don’t have official answers to these questions. I’ve never studied language formally in any way. When I meet someone from a different culture I always like to learn a word or two in their language. I always felt like… Continue reading Accents